Drew Estate is ready for you to get a taste of their new Freestyle Live premium cigar line before its official release. They have announced the pre-release of three packs (no bands), including a Freestyle Live 3-cigar case, a Freestyle Live cutter and lighter, and a Freestyle Live tumbler, which will be shipping to participating retailers on Oct. 25, 2021. Drew Estate made this pre-release purchase a chance for consumers and retailers to win some awesome prizes. Each Freestyle Live Event Pack comes with a lanyard and badge. Buyers can register their badge (QR code on the back) to be entered into a sweepstake for a chance to win the grand prize of a 2022 Ford F-150 Lightning electric truck. Second place prize is a 2022 Polaris 1400 General ATV. The third-place prize is a Drew Estate Bridge Bar. If that wasn’t enough, during the Nov. 11 “Freestyle Live: Special Edition” broadcast, the viewers who comment during a selected timeframe, five randomly chosen viewers, will be entered into Drew Estate’s Bitcoin Sweepstakes. Five more eligible viewers will also be randomly selected during each of the December and January editions of the “Freestyle Live” events. Drew Estate will give away one Bitcoin to a lucky winner from the 15 contestants during the Feb. 17, 2022, “Freestyle Live” show. The official global unveiling event is on Nov. 11. The “Freestyle Live: Special Edition” show will be live on Drew Estate’s Facebook page at facebook.com/drewestatecigar.
Drew Estate is also showing some love for their retailers with the Freestyle Live events. Participating Freestyle Live Event Pack retailers are automatically entered for a chance to win prizes. The grand prize of a $7,500 Drew Estate credit, three Dreamseat recliners, and a Drew Estate Bridge Bar. The second-place prize of a $2,500 Drew Estate credit and two Dreamseat recliners. Third prize of a $1,000 Drew Estate credit and two Mega standing ashtrays.
Drew Estate’s Freestyle Live Special Edition 3 cigar Event Packs have an MSRP of $45 before taxes. A total of 5,000 Freestyle Live event packs will be available for purchase. Â Participating Freestyle Live Special Edition Event Packs retailers can be found at drewestate.com/freestylelive2021.