Davidoff Cigars has announced their new limited release line, the Davidoff Dominicana. The premium cigar maker launched this line blended with aged vintage tobaccos from the Dominican Republic. The goal with the Dominicana line was to create a taste journey that plays to the essence of the vibrant Dominican lifestyle and culture. By using the aged Dominican tobacco, and the Davidoff sophistication, they feel they have brought their fans a cigar that showcases the essence of the Dominican Republic.
“The Davidoff brand is globally revered for cigars of sophistication and superior quality. To embrace our heritage, we created the Dominicana line that reflects the vitality and colorful culture of the Dominican Republic. To achieve this task, our Master Blenders combined five Dominican tobaccos with an Ecuadorian binder and awarded the creation with a Dominican wrapper to compose the Davidoff Dominicana. We are pleased to have succeeded in developing a cigar that unites complex and manifold flavors with the smooth classiness of the White Band Collection and which captures the Dominican joy de vivre,” says Edward Simon, Chief Marketing Officer at Oettinger Davidoff AG.
The Davidoff Dominicana line will be available in three formats: a Toro (6 inches by 54 ring gauge), a Robusto (5 1/8 inches by 52 ring gauge), and the Short Robusto (4 inches by 50 ring gauge). The vintage tobacco used in the Dominicana Limited Release is from 2014, and once the tobacco allotment is gone, so is this version of the limited release. The cigars for this limited edition were rolled over 12 months ago for the vintage tobaccos to develop their best flavors. The wrapper for this cigar is a Hybrid 257 from the Dominican Republic, a Hybrid 151 Binder from Ecuador, and the cigar uses multiple filler tobaccos from across the Dominican Republic. All sizes will be packaged in 10 count wooden boxes, with special icons to show the vintage tobacco. The boxes will have different icons on the box depending on the country where the cigars are purchased.
The Davidoff Dominicana Limited Release cigars will be available at select Davidoff Appointed Merchants and Flagship Stores starting in May 2021.
Great cigars