The Lancero is a size which needs a smaller amount of tobacco compared to bigger vitolas. However, this doesn’t necessary mean a smaller use of “volado”, the leaves which helps the combustion but don’t give too much in terms of flavors and strength. The proportion is the same and, theoretically, the percentage is about the same. However it is important to notice that, given the little diameter and the small number of leaves used, the wrapper plays a very important role in these cigars.
In terms of aromatic profile the impact of the wrapper is definitely more remarkable in this size than the bigger ones. Considering a cylinder, when its diameter decreases, the lateral surface area relatively increases in proportion versus the volume. Translated into cigar tasting this means that the quantity of wrapper (lateral surface area of the cylinder) becomes bigger when the cigar cepo becomes smaller, when compared with the filler (volume of the cylinder). Talking about the evolution, generally, longer cigars show more noticeable progressions than their shorter peers, but this also variates with the type of blend. Also, thinner cigars usually have marked evolutions. Being less numerous in the blend, rolled leaves can express themselves better than when they are immerged – consider that a dilution – in a more complex blend. One speaker will be heard more clearly alone than when rounded by a loud crowd. But is also depends on the speaker!
Lanceros are amongst the most appreciated and challenging vitolas for discerning aficionados. The unfortunate ways lanceros are tasted perhaps highlight the fact that many aficionados should still refine their tasting skills. And the first step is often to learn to taste slower. It is too frequently regrettable to observe aficionados tasting their different vitolas the very same way. They adopt an identical tasting pattern regardless of the type of cigar. In such conditions cigars will have tough time delivering their full potential. Not making efforts to understand cigars – size, shape, origin, type, potential defects, age, etc. – before starting the tasting is incredibly detrimental; and especially for fine cigars (with specific and sensitive leaves), vintage cigars (more than 25 years), and thin and long cigars. All these have to be understood and tasted slowly. The principal factor affecting the tasting is its own speed or pace. Aficionados often smoke too quickly, literally rushing the tasting. The burning being too frequently activated, temperatures are pushed to higher levels, and the temperature drop between 2 puffs will not occur fully. The heat of combustion will run up along the tasting and could reach detrimental threshold hence reducing the cigar aromatic spectrum.
Today’s society and its social standards constantly push people to be on-the-go everywhere and all the time; and by consequence this makes us artificially not having availability to focus on the genuine goals of our Life. Products and services usually presented to us in our shops and communities are produced more oriented towards short-term and high rotation consumerism than with a perspective of quality. Everyone has the freedom to develop our own cultures and pick the products that fit our vision, with value and authenticity. And thus to appreciate them with a discerning eye. This is how a lancero should be looked at. Don’t smoke that cigar. Take the time to taste it.