During the Thursday, April 27 broadcast of “Freestyle Live: Special Edition,” Drew Estate announced an entirely new Freestyle Live Event Pack to tease the upcoming release of a new premium cigar to be unveiled on our Freestyle Live Reveal show airing June 8. Drew Estate fans and retailers alike will get to experience the new cigar before its June launch thanks to the Freestyle Live Event Packs, which are available now at all participating retailers nationwide. With an MSRP of $40, Drew Estate’s Freestyle Live Event Packs present a tremendous opportunity for fans throughout the United States to participate in the new brand’s excitement. A very limited amount of Freestyle Live Event Packs have been prepared, and each one will include: four of the new premium cigars (without any brand identification), a Freestyle Live 4-cigar case, a Freestyle Live torch lighter and a Freestyle Live cigar rest.
Each Freestyle Live Event Pack will also include a Freestyle Live badge with a QR code, which allows purchasers to enter a sweepstakes for a chance to win incredible prizes! The grand prize is a luxury watch valued at $10,500. The second prize is $6,000 in airfare to anywhere in the world for two people. A total of 10 sweepstakes entrants will win the third-place prize of a longboard created by Subculture Studios, valued at $150 each.
Retailers can win too!!! Yup, all retailers who purchase a Freestyle Live Event Kit (each with 10 Freestyle Live Event Packs) are automatically entered into a sweepstakes for a chance to win one of three prizes. The Grand Prize is $5,000 in Drew Estate credit; Second Prize is $3,000 in Drew Estate credit; and the Third Prize is $1,000 in Drew Estate credit.
Jonathan Drew, Founder and President, says from the Wynwood Cocktail Lounge in Miami, “Freestyle Live is dope, plain and simple!!! It’s even more dope when Mystery Packs are included as an ‘announcement’ or ‘unveiling.’ People go bananas trying to guess what it could be. I love it. Additionally, this was a huge announcement ‘cause we dropped the Barn Smoker dates and explained how this year will be different from all others, Barn Smoker ‘AFTER DARK.’ Sounds scary, boooo!!!”