We have come to the nal issue of 2014, a year that saw CigarsLover Magazine growing and achieving some important milestones, including the english language version of the magazine and the addition of many headings and insights related to all that orbits around the world of cigars.
This issue is launched with a redesigned graphic to make the reading clearer and at the same time more enjoyable.
An important collaboration with a leading gure in the world of tobacco is born: Didier Houvenaghen will be collaborating with us starting from now. We are con dent that he will give a signi cant contribution, making it possible to tackle issues in a more speci c and detailed way, analyzing not only the theory but also the practice of a producer who lives directly our passion for the cigar.
The blind tasting that we launched from the last issue was much appreciated, so we decided to continue on this road, moreover we increased the number of cigars tested: 20 this time!
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