CigarsLover: a lot of news

CigarsLover: a lot of news

CigarsLover: a lot of news 800 450 Luca Cominelli

During this week, CigarsLover has been completely renewed, in terms of both graphics and  contents.

Since its launch, in early 2013, CigarsLover published an ever increasing number of articles. The tastings were first collected in a list, which has grown steadily, becoming more and more complete but at the same time more complex to follow and it was not possible to made advanced researches. Currently, CigarsLover database counts over 1.500 tastings, which are now indexed to allow a more deep research. All this has led to the birth of a double searching engine, capable to find cigars and spirits based on many different criteria. From today it is possible to use CigarsLover database to search for cigars in terms of format, price, strength, country of production, rating and even flavor profile. As for the spirits, the research can be made for the type of distillate, country of production, ABV, price, rating and flavor profile. The search engine will be refined further in the coming weeks, in order to make it more efficient and faster.

The new design allows an improved browsing experience, especially from mobile, where the articles have been redistributed to be better viewed. The cigar and spirits of the month will be published on the home page.

The site becomes the extension of the magazine, with three sections: cigars, spirits and taste, as it happens on CigarsLover Magazine from the beginning of 2018.

In a very short time it will also be possible to be notified when a new content is published. In the coming days there will be further small upgrades.

Good reading and research!