Cavalier Genève Cigars celebrated the release of their LE2020 cigar by opening a virtual reality cigar lounge. This is a first-of-its-kind experience for cigar lovers. The virtual reality lounge first opened to a very limited amount of users back in December 2020. The platform can be used with multiple devices to make it more user-friendly. The VR cigar lounge is a browser-based platform accessible on any device, such as laptops, tablets, and mobile phones. Up to 15 users can meet online at one time in the virtual world. Users will show up as Avatars in the virtual platform.
From there, they can view live audio chat and a video from founder Sébastien Decoppet describing his time in Danli, Honduras, designing the blend for the LE2020, and supervising the production of the cigars. The virtual cigar lounge also includes a photo gallery, 3D renderings of the cigar and box, and art inspired by the blend. “Because the LE2020 was sold out before even arriving in the US, we wanted to create an online feature to memorialize it on the website for collectors to reference,” said Decoppet, founder and CEO, Cavalier Genève Premium Cigars.
You can visit the Cavalier Genève LE2020 VR Cigar Lounge on a VR headset (best), laptop (good), or phone (okay) at and click the Connect button.