Cigar Guides

Morning or evening: the right time to taste a cigar

Morning or evening: the right time to taste a cigar 800 450 Giuseppe Mitolo

Is it the time of the day that choses a cigar or just the smoker? And which is the best moment of the day to…

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Medio Tiempo: the truth

Medio Tiempo: the truth 632 444 Luca Cominelli

Definition: Medio Tiempo is an industrial tobacco leaf name, used after the selection/classification process. Medio Tiempo is a category of leaves destined to become cigar filler.…

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Maduro Wrappers

Maduro Wrappers 632 444 Michel Arlia

It becomes more and more frequent to encounter cigars with a very dark wrapper. Some aficionados are really attracted by this color specificity, while others…

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Kentucky wrappers

Kentucky wrappers 632 444 Giuseppe Mitolo

In the past years, there have always been many dissertations over the wrapper leaf impact on the cigar aromatic profile. Many producers even pushed themselves…

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Rum, Rhum & Ron

Rum, Rhum & Ron 750 499 Luca Cominelli

Rum, rhum or ron are the name used referring to the super alcoholic obtained from the fermentation and distillation of the juice or the molasses…

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Humidors: how to choose them

Humidors: how to choose them 750 530 Luca Cominelli

The humidor is something capable of maintaining an optimal humidity level for the conservation of cigars. There are numerous types of humidors that guarantee this…

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