General Cigar Company has added a large format to the Cohiba Blue line of cigars. The Blue is a 70 ring gauge by 178mm (7″) cigar. The new Blue addition to the line will bring the total to six sizes for the budget-friendly Cohiba series. The Blue line is made in the General Cigar Dominicana, in the Dominican Republic. The cigar uses a Honduran wrapper, a Honduran binder, and a filler tobacco blend of Honduran Jamastran, Nicaraguan Ometepe, and Dominican Piloto Cubano. Blue comes packaged in a bright blue Cohiba box. Boxes are in the 15-count format. The Blue has an MSRP of $15 per cigar before any taxes or $225 per box.
The new Cohiba Blue is shipping to retailers in October 2021.