Davidoff Cigars starts 2021 strong with their Winston Churchill offerings. Their regular releases of “The Original Collection” and their more bold version “The Late Hour,” with a special limited edition 2021 Toro cigar. The Winston Churchill line honors one of the most iconic cigar aficionados ever in the cigar world. Over the last seven years since the revamp of the series in 2014, Davidoff has used the cigars to focus on telling the many stories that occurred during the great Winston Churchill’s life. Winston was seen at day and night always with a cigar in hand. The 2021 year campaign for the line is named “Through The Day Into The Night.” Edward Simon, CMO at Oettinger Davidoff AG, said, “Sir Winston Churchill was an exceptional man whose personality had so very many facets of brilliant talents, from statesman to commander, from author to painter – a unique character of its time. Usually, these personalities transform into mere history book figures, but not Sir Winston Churchill, who still today is one of the most renowned and appraised public figures of the 20th century. At Davidoff, we are humbled and excited about bringing to life the many dimensions and stories of this incredible leader, artist, and writer. At the same time, Sir Winston keeps carrying such deep inspiration to the world of today.”
For the 2021 Limited Edition cigar, the master blenders at Davidoff combined the blends from “The Original Collection” and “The Late Hour” series. The blenders had to find the right balance to find that perfect harmony of light and dark. They came out with a medium to full-bodied 6 inch by 52 ring gauge Toro sized cigar. The 2021 Limited Edition is wrapped in an Ecuadorian wrapper. Production is limited to 11,100 total boxes. Boxes will come in the 10-ct format. Boxes will have the iconic silhouette of the great leader on the top and a subtle checkboard scheme imprinted on the box’s sides. Along with the 2021 Limited Edition cigars, Davidoff is revealing a set of limited edition accessories. The stylish dark grey colored accessory set consists of an ashtray. A double jet flame table lighter carries the limited edition chessboard design theme and is available in very limited quantities.
The Davidoff Winston Churchill “Through The Day Into The Night” campaign will begin January 2021 and run through April 2021. The Limited Edition 2021 Toro cigars and accessories are available at select Davidoff Appointed Merchants, premium cigar retailers, and Flagship Stores starting in February 2021.