Davidoff reveals the Limited Edition Robusto Intenso

Davidoff reveals the Limited Edition Robusto Intenso

Davidoff reveals the Limited Edition Robusto Intenso 1600 900 Michel Arlia

Davidoff Limited Edition Robusto Intenso

Davidoff just revealed the limited edition “Robusto Intenso”, crafted with six different tobaccos aged for up to seven years. The cigar is released within Davidoff’s Vintage Blend series of cigars.

The cigar size is 52 x 130 mm (5 1/8″).

“In the year 2005 Davidoff’s Master Blenders delivered on a pioneering challenge true to our founder Zino Davidoff: to create a cigar experience that is intense and complex, yet also exhilarant and smooth. For this task, they had masterfully achieved to blend tobaccos from five different regions of the Dominican Republic with an Ecuadorian wrapper and created the famed and highly decorated Robusto Intenso. We are honored to give aficionados the pleasure to enjoy this icon of the art of blending again after almost 15 years of waiting,” says Edward Simon, Chief Marketing Officer at Oettinger Davidoff AG. “Not only being able to have the complete blend history of our cigars but also the ability to recreate iconic blends from our vintage tobacco stocks is one of our core  differences that aficionados worldwide value highly with our brand and company,” he continues.

Regarding the blend, the wrapper is a Habano from Ecuador, grown exclusively for Davidoff in small quantities that goes through a double fermentation and aging process. The chosen binder is a Dominican San Vincente leaf, aged over four years. The filler are Dominican tobaccos, aged up to seven years. Davidoff stated that “the aging of tobaccos for up to seven years results in a deep complexity, balanced intensity and a sophisticated taste journey, making this cigar experience second to none”.

The blend in details:

  • Wrapper: 702 Habano Ecuador
  • Binder: San Vicente Seco from the Dominican Republic
  • Filler: Semilla 254 Visus, Piloto Visus, San Vicente Mejorado Ligero and Yamasa Visus from the Dominican Republic

The cigars are presented in boxes of ten Robusto cigars, and boxes of five cigars available exclusively in Global Travel Retail featuring a natural wood design and an icon highlighting the vintage cigar’s blend.

The Davidoff Limited Edition Robusto Intenso will be available starting from September 2020 (the launch dates may vary depending on country). The cigars will be available at select Davidoff Appointed Merchants, Flagship Stores and Global Travel Retail locations.