Cavalier Cigars to be distributed by Illusione Cigars

Cavalier Cigars to be distributed by Illusione Cigars

Cavalier Cigars to be distributed by Illusione Cigars 150 150 Michel Arlia

As of July 1st, Illusione Cigars has taken over the distribution for Cavalier Cigars in the USA and some international markets. The already established distributors of Cavalier Cigars will stay the same.

Many might not know, but Illusione Cigars has a fully functional FTZ on top of the classic import and distribution operation. The collaboration will allow to better serve both, Illusione Cigars and Cavalier Genève Cigars from a fulfillment aspect. In addition, with the FTZ, Illusione Cigars will also be able to service certain international markets for both Cavalier Genève Cigars and Illusione Cigars directly from the United States. This will allow for a more efficient and cost-effective international service for shared territories for example.

“We are honored to work with Illusione Cigars. It is a partnership in which we truly believe and we greatly look forward to sharing dynamics and expand reach for both of us partners.” Says Sebastien Decoppet, founder and owner of Cavalier Genève Cigars.