Starting from September, Davidoff will distribute new cigars composed of multi-origin tobaccos, thus creating the first Davidoff Small Batch series.
Davidoff’s master blenders drew heavily on rare and exquisite tobaccos from Ecuador, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Peru and the Dominican Republic. In doing so they gave birth to twelve unique blends (of medium strength) in the classic formats Toro, Robusto, Belicoso and Corona Extra.
The lots available will be very limited. It starts from around 300 items for the Robusto No.4, up to a maximum of 3,500 for the Robusto No.3.
The cigars will be distributed in 5 to 10 count packs. On each package there will be the signature of the one who rolled the cigars, giving even more exclusive connotations to the series. Davidoff Small Batch will be wear two bands, the first is the classic Davidoff band, while the second, in satin gold, bears the words Small Batch.
The new cigars will only be available at selected retailers in Germany, the United Kingdom, Switzerland, the United States and Asia. At the moment we have no information on pricing.