The Daniel Marshall DM2 Red Series Torpedo is a cigar produced in Nicaragua by the well-known Daniel Marshall, a well-known producer of prestigious humidors. He’s also famous for the golden cigar, a cigar covered with a 24 carat gold leaf. The cigars are produced in Nicaragua and behind this product there is not only Marshall involved, but also the Plasencia and Quesada family.
Aesthetically, the cigar is rolled in a Colorado shaded wrapper, that is rough to the touch.
- Country of Origin: Nicaragua
- Size: 54 x 159 mm (6.25″)
- Wrapper: Nicaragua
- Binder: Nicaragua
- Filler: Nicaragua
- Price: $9 – € 9
Daniel Marshall DM2 Red Series Torpedo:Â unlit, it reveals strong hints of barnyard. The first puffs reveal notes of incense and hazelnut.
Overall, the Daniel Marshall DM2 Red Series Torpedo gives off an intense smoke, with an excellent persistence. The flavor profile is structured and evolves. Spices are the main note, which gradually become more pornounced during the course of the smoke. Satisfying.
Rating: 91
Got one at whiskey cigar fest in hard rock Hollywood, great. Smoke