Altadis U.S.A., world-renowned premium cigar manufacturer, announces the imminent release of the new Trinidad Espiritu line, created to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the brand.
The creation of the cigars was entrusted to A.J. Fernandez, because the methods of fermentation of tobacco and production of the cigars by Fernandez remained consistent with the techniques used by both his grandfather and father.
Trinidad Espiritu is a Nicaraguan Puro, described as an incredibly complex and balanced medium-bodied cigar that perfectly embodies the Caribbean culture and the characteristics of cigars produced in the 70s.
The release of the new line will be accompanied by tours throughout the US (the opening will be in Miami). Each event will bring together the culture of cigars, Caribbean music, classic cocktails, domino tournaments and much more.
Trinidad Espiritu will be available from mid to late June on. The cigars come in 20 count boxes and the line is made up of five sizes:
- Robusto, 52 x 127 mm
- Toro, 52 x 152 mm
- Belicoso, 52 x 155 mm
- Magnum, 60 x 152 mm
While the Fundador vitola (40 x 190 mm) can only be purchased during official Trinidad Espiritu events.