2018 commemorates CigarsLover Magazine’s 5th year.
During these years we focused on what articles you preferred and we consider every single suggestion you made us. The result has been the launch of new contents and the introduction of a new layout which is not just an aestethical change, but the implementation of a whole new content organization, now in sections.
From this issue on, CigarsLover Magazine is tinged with three colors, each one identifying a section.
◊ Cigars ◊ Spirits ◊ Taste
Although the topics will be presented in different sections, the goal is to put together more pleasures and make them even closer to each other. The attention for the palate will be even more at the center of our focus. We have set ourselves a new mission, aimed at refining our and your palate more and more, guiding it to unexplored paths and safe havens.