Starting from Monday 11th, the AWARDS 2017 will begin, featuring the best cigars tested this year. As usual, our attention is focused on every single terroir: Cuba, Dominican Republic, Honduras, Nicaragua and to the rest of the World countries. For each one of them, we picked the best 5 cigars, the ones that registered the highest scores.
Cigars has been selected during the whole year 2017: the best products from the blind tasting, the reviews and smokes of the last 12 months have been tested once again, in a blind tasting. Only the best made it into the AWARDS.
- Monday 11th: Top 5 of each country
- Tuesday 12th: Top 4 of each country
- Wednesday 13th:Â Top 3 of each country
- Thursday 14th:Â Top 2 of each country
- Friday 15th:Â cigars of the year
The lists will be published on andÂ