CIGARSLOVER MAGAZINE AUTUMN 2016 355 500 Luca Cominelli

This year was another great one for the European market, due to the fact cigar producers are focusing more and more about it. The aspects suggesting it are a lot. We could talk about the Intertabac in Dortmund: the 2016 one was one of the busiest in years; what about all the limited editions released exclusively for the European market? If you add to all this the FDA regulations, now imminent, and the growth of the European market, it is very simple to reach the initial conclusion.

In the Summer issue we announced the release of a vast number of news, that would have been first introduced to the IPCPR and subsequently at the Intertabac. As expected, the news were a lot, concer- ning both products ready to be launched or the multitude of products which were urgently placed on the market, to stem the pressing FDA normative. Focusing on the latter, there were many rumors, often surrounded by images that portrayed the new cigar boxes in question, but without the information that interests us the most: the blend details.

The positive thing is that all the “under pressure“ work of the producers is or will be soon available, including everything presented in its embryonic phase a couple of months ago. Selecting the best cigar of 2016 won’t be easy, but all the news will make testing definitely appetizing. This, however, will be for the last issue of the year.